10 Beautiful Side Yard Landscaping Ideas You Will Love

Try these beautiful and clean side yard landscaping ideas to improve the overall look and feel of your house.

The ideas are low maintenance and super clean. You can set them up by yourself with just a little effort.

Once in a while clean the area to make it look good month after month.

Plant any plants or flowers you want on the sideline and it will look good. So here are those landscaping ideas.

1. Lay Stone Pavers in the Side Yard

Patrick Standish on Flickr

First, lay stone pavers in the side yard and let the grass automatically cover up the empty space.

When they grow it will look awesome and smooth.

Just trim the grass every month and clean the weeds if there are any. This is the cleanest idea I can give you. So give it a try.

2. Edge with Plants

DragfyreCC BY-SA 2.5, via Wikimedia Commons

Edge your side yard with plants and keep in good shape. You can use shrubs or arborvitaes for this design as shown in the picture.

The shrubs will also help you build privacy in the yard and decorate the area.

Then lay mulch to reduce the weeds and dirt in the side yard and you are done here.

3. Lay Black Mulch

Justin Snow on Flickr

Lay Black mulch in the side yard and plant any plants or flowers you want. The black mulch will do two things.

One, it will help you reduce the dirt in the yard and two, it will improve the overall curb appeal.

Then edge the areas with stones or bricks to complete this design.

4. Lay Bricks on the Side Yard

James SteakleyCC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

You can also lay bricks in the side yard to reduce the weeds and keep it super clean all the time.

Then plant a few big leaf plants as edging and it will look great.

5. Build a Playground on the Side Yard

Cheryl on Flickr

Let your kids enjoy the side yard by cleaning and planting only grass in there.

Build a playground for them and edge the area with a fence or potted plants.

6. Decorate with Big Trees

Wknight94CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Decorate your side yard with big trees like bananas, palms, coconuts, arborvitaes, and others.

Then decorate the roots with flowers to make them look good.

7. Use Pots for Decoration

Adrian Platt / Cotehele House, the Terraced Garden

Set up pots in the side yard as decoration. Then plant climbing plants there and they will make the yard look great.

Make sure you plant colorful flowers there.

8. Lay Gravel All Around the Yard


Lay gravel all around the yard.

This will do two things, one, it will help battle with the weeds and mud, and two, it will make the area super clean.

Just buy the gavels and lay them.

9. Hang Plants on the Side Yard


You can also hang colorful plants in pots as decoration in the side yard line to make it look good.

Plus I would say, plant a few more lines in the edge line to improve the look and feel.

10. Build an Entrance

Media Directo on Flickr

Build an amazing entrance with a big gate and potted flowers in the area.

Lay brown mulch on the empty space to reduce the weed build-up.

Last Words

So these are the best side yard landscaping ideas for your house to improve the overall curb appeal.

Some ideas will take a good amount of effort to manage like the paver and the grass but some will be easy.

So keep that in mind while choosing one. I wish you the best of luck.

Featured image: Field Outdoor Spaces on Flickr

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