10 Beautiful Driveway Landscaping Ideas You Will Love

Try these beautiful-looking driveway landscaping ideas in your front yard to have a nice and clean yard.

These ideas also help improve the curb appeal of the area and they are low maintenance.

You can set them with ease. Just clean the weeds once in a while and the design will look good month after month.

So with that here are those landscaping ideas.

1. Build a Circular Driveway

Media Director on Flickr

Build a small circular driveway in the front yard. Plant beautiful flowers and shrubs to decorate the area.

Then edge the areas with stones to build this design.

You can also plant arborvitaes in pots to improve the look and feel of the area.

So try it as it is low maintenance and easy to set up.

2. Build a Focal Point


Build a focal point with rocks or stones in the middle of your yard.

Decorate it in a way that shines in every season.

Add gravel to reduce the weeds build up in the area and make it look nice.

If there were some weed then remove them as soon as possible.

3. Edge with Bricks

Decorative Concrete on Flickr

Brick can also be used with concrete when designing the driveway.

It looks clean and tidy will do the job done.

Hire a professional to build it for you.

4. Go Full Bricks

HorticulturaldnaCC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

You can also go with a full brick design.

Just lay bricks all over the driveway and mow the lawn once in a while to make this design look good.

Hire someone to do it for you as it will take a good amount of effort to set up.

5. Build a Small Garden in the Middle

LINYperson615CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Build a small garden in the driveway as decoration.

Add mulch beneath to reduce the weeds build up and edge the areas with stones or bricks.

I recommend you plant flowers in the middle of it to make it look colorful.

Flowers will surely enhance the look and feel of the area.

6. Lay Black Mulch around the Edge

Pistils Landscape Design on Flickr

Use black mulch as edging. These will do two things.

One, it will help battle with the weeds and mud and two, it will make your driveway look much cleaner.

7. Edge with Stones

jonathan on Flickr

You can also edge with stone for a better view. Then plant it along the driveway to make it glow.

Any plant will do the job done, just make sure the plants you use there are low maintenance.

8. Plant Flowers along the Way

Forest & Kim StarrCC BY 3.0 US, via Wikimedia Commons

You can also plant flowers directly in the fence line or as edging.

They will also look great when the sunlight hits them.

9. Plant Shrubs


I must say this idea will take a good amount of effort to maintain.

Plant shrubs along the driveway and it will cover up the space.

Once in a while trim them so they do not grow further.

10. Build a Garden around It


Build a small garden around with a bunch of flowers. Just plan them in the front yard to make them glow.

There is no need for anything fancy, just a small design will do the trick.

Last Words

So these are the best driveway landscaping ideas for your front yard.

Keep the maintenance part in mind as some will take a good amount of effort to manage. I wish you the best of luck.

Featured image: TarynCC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

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