10 Beautiful Pea Gravel Landscaping Ideas You Will Love

Try these beautiful-looking pea gravel landscaping ideas in your front and backyard to improve the overall curb appeal.

These ideas are low-maintenance and you can set them up easily by yourself.

Once in a while clean the weeds around the design and your gravel landscaping will look awesome for months to come.

So here we go.

1. Add Red Mulch with the Gravel

RBerteig on Flickr

First of all, red mulch looks good and helps you reduce the buildup of weeds in your yard. Combine it with gravel to build this design.

Plant trees and then add mulch underneath them and fill the other empty space of your yard with pea gravel.

You will see there is not a single weed or any mud build-up in there. So go for it.

2. Just Lay Those Gravels in Your Garden

Amanda Slater from Coventry, West Midlands, UKCC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

If you do not like adding mulch to your garden as it may look moisture then add simple gravels in the garden.

It will help them keep the areas clean.

There will be some weeds but you can always clean them once a month to maintain their beauty.

3. Build a Water Feature

Media Director on Flickr

First, build small water features and then all those pea gravels around it. When the water flower flows, it will surely attract your eyes.

Once in a while clean the grass and plant around it as the soil will retain moisture then weeds will grow. So clean them often to sustain this design.

4. Separate Your Garden with Gravel

jennicatpink from Lechlade, United KingdomCC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

You can also use gravel to separate your garden.

Build a walkway around the garden and lay the gravel there to build this design.

That way you can manage your garden and plants more efficiently.

5. Decorate with Colorful Gravels

Laura PĂ©rez ArandaCC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Get some gravel with different colors and set them up in your yard. Also, plant some cacti to get it a new desert look.

Lay those big stone pavers for a walkway and then add those gravels. Once in a while clean the area and the design will shine.

6. Build a Focal Point in Your Yard

Anish nellickalCC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Build something unique with the gravel.

Plant in the middle of your yard and add gravel all around the yard to build this design.

7. Give it a Desert Look

Clare Wilkinson on Flickr

Plant cacti and other desert plants in the yard and fill up the space with gravel to make it look dry and clean.

You can also add sand to it to improve the overall look and feel.

8. Build a Pathway With Gravel

Jeremy Levine on Flickr

Lay gravel in the pathway for this design. First, add pavers and fill up the empty space with gravel. It will look nice.

To improve it more add brown mulch to the sideways as edging. That will help keep the pathway clean all the time.

9. Use Gravel for the Drain Line

Wildroof on Flickr

Build a drain line with gravel. when there is rain the drain will shine.

Just add those pebbles and build a small drain in your yard.

This design is very popular in Japan. So give it a try.

10. Cover Your Yard with Gravel

JimmyCC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

My last idea is that you lay the gravel all around in a messy way.

There is no need for any special design. Just lay it and leave.

Last Words

So these are the best pea gravel landscaping ideas for your front and backyard to improve the overall look and feel.

Keep the maintenance part in mind while choosing a design. I wish you the best of luck.

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Featured image: Jeremy Levine on Flickr

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